A Brief History of the KCCH Club
In 1991, Vince Webster, Personal Representative in Covington Valley appointed Fred Bryant, Bill Lorenz, and Stan Moebus (former Secretary/Registrar) to the newly formed Fraternal Relations Committee to create activity and bring interest particularly to the newer membership. One thing in particular Brother Webster requested was the formation of the Knight Commander of the Court of Honor Club. The formation of such a club had been attempted previously, but did not get off the ground. The Committee accepted the challenge, and added Brothers Ed Colston and Ed Vardiman to the Committee.
A letter of invitation to join was sent to all KCCH members (September 11, 1991) stating the purpose of the Club is to promote friendship and brotherly love among KCCH members and their ladies, and to see that KCCH members at their demise would be honored with a floral arrangement (or a monetary gift to charity). Two meetings per year would include a “Valentine Dinner” in February and a visit to a Kentucky State Park in the early autumn season. There would be a $10.00 membership fee, but no dues. Brother Ed Colston, a strong and well respected leader was appointed President. The first meeting was held February 8, 1992.
Many of the successful overnight functions were held at Dinner Playhouses, Kentucky Parks, and sometimes just hotels, where outdoor historical plays, indoor plays, Grand Ole Opry, museums, and other such entertainment were witnessed. As these trips were always open to all Scottish Rite Masons, many enjoyed these events who normally didn’t participate in other functions. Currently the KCCH Club and their ladies meet for Dinner once a year at the popular Moyers Winery, where the election and installation of officers is held. This event is always well attended.